My Goals

My Personal goals....

  1. Read my Bible & daily devotions more consistently
  2. Pray & spend more time on relationship with my Heavenly Father
  3. Embrace life
  4. Don't sweat the small stuff
  5. Love myself so that I can abundantly love others more
  6. Spend more time with my family & friends and less on the other stuff
  7. Remind my husband how awesome I think he really is
  8. Read more
  9. Plan amazing dates with my husband
  10. Get more organized
  11. Choose joy
  12. Laugh more
  13. Compliment people
  14. Look in mirror & smile (and mean it)
  15. Don't listen to the voice of doubt

My top 5 Health goals...

  1. Run my first 5k by the end of the year
  2. Obtain my goal weight by January 1st
  3. Run at least 4 times a week
  4. Weight train at least 3  times a week
  5. Eat healthy, make better choices and watch portion control

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