
10-28-2012 I've been busy training for my first 5k. I ran the race yesterday in 39.27. I was so proud of all the hard work & determination I accomplished for myself. My goal now is to train for the Mini Marathon in April. I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

8-25-12 I got to get out and run tonight. I was a little nervous since I took the week off due to my sore ankle but I was able to run 1.17 mile without stopping. That's a huge accomplishment for me. I'm finally getting by breathing down & slowing down my pace for endurance. It's a slow start but I'm getting stronger. It's all good!

8-24-12 I've managed not to run this whole week. I've enjoyed my workouts in the pool but I'm ready to start training for my first 5k run. I've been really wanting to get out and run even on my sore ankle but I resisted knowing I'll be heading to the Dominican Republic next week for a mission trip and that will require me to stand for long periods of time. My ankle feels alot better so I'm planning on running tomorrow. I'll let you know how that works out. We've been blessed with great weather and for that I am thankful.

8-22-12 Since I've hurt my ankle I have decided to stop running for the rest of this week and spend time in the pool. This has been hard as I love running now but I must say, I've enjoyed my time in the pool as well. I know it won't be long before summer is over and we will be closing the pool. I always hate to see summer end. Even though I love Fall...I know Winter is right around the corner...I'm not a fan. It is my plan to continue to run outside as long as it is possible but worse case senario, I can run on the treadmill.
8-19-12 I ran twice today which adds up to 2 miles running and 2 miles walking all on a sore ankle. Getting ready to soak in an Epsom Salt bath. I'm happy I pressed through the pain. I've been very careful with my ankle and hoping time will heal.

8-17-12 I ran 1.5 miles tonight. I'm SO excited! This is my personal best so far...gearing up for my first 5k run on Oct 27th. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

8-11-12 Today was a beautiful day..not to hot, nice breeze and beautiful clouds in the sky. I was excited to run since I've been running further with each run.. but today was different. My ankle has been a little sore since my last run and I've been nursing it for the last couple of days. I thought it might be the new shoes I wore the other night so I wore my old shoes that I knew needed to be replaced hoping that would help. When I started running my heel started to hurt a little which is the reason I bought the new shoes. I pushed through but I was struggling. I wondered why I was having such a hard time and then I realized that I forgot to eat today. I slept in this morning, fixed my coffee and started checking emails and simply forgot about eating. I'm telling you...I felt it.... I felt like a slug. Note to self: make sure to eat lots of good food before you run so that  you have energy to endure.

I was not happy with my progress today but I'm not going to dwell on it. I'm going to stay focused, continue to work hard and enjoy the journey to a healthy lifestyle.

8-7-12 I ran my personal best tonight!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!! I'm SO excited!!!!!!!!!

This was posted from the I think it's worth sharing...

Walking is NOT Quitting

My whole life, I have heard/learned/felt that people who walk during their runs are quitters. You didn’t really “run” 3 miles if you walked part of it. I’m learning that is NOT true. (And I’m also realizing I learned this from non-runners. Hmm.)
I’m hearing more and more runners talking about taking walk breaks. Sometimes your body just needs it! Honestly, I remember being shocked when I heard that Healthy Ashley does run/walk intervals. I mean, this girl has done multiple marathons and even a half Ironman! And she has GREAT race times, despite her walk breaks!
I figured if she can do it, so can I. My half-marathon training plan called for 5 miles today – my longest run yet. My sister is staying with me for the weekend so last night I talked her into riding the bike while I ran. We planned to wake up at 6am to head out. Well, about 2:30am, I woke up with BAD stomach pains. I’m guessing they were “woman pains” as my husband calls them, but there hurt nonetheless! I really wondered if I’d be able to do my run.
I woke up at 6am with a song in my head. Has anyone seen Bob the Builder? My sister used to watch that cartoon when she was little. He sings, “Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!” This morning my mantra was, “Can we do it? YES WE CAN!”
We loaded up the bike and headed over to the neighborhood where I like to run. My sister brought me a “sports watch” from my mom (thanks Mom!) and this was my first time running with a watch. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about running with one – I feared I would be watching it the whole time. But I wanted to try to implement Healthy Ashley’s run/walk intervals and I really needed the watch to do that.
She suggests running a 9:1 walk ratio. Run for 9 minutes; walk for 1 minute. This was my plan.
We started off down the road, and the weather seemed less than optimal. There was a light drizzle, but it felt great. The sky was overcast, so I wasn’t fighting the sun like usual. I think this actually contributed to the success of my run today!
I forgot to start my watch, and didn’t remember until about 5 minutes into the run. Rather than adjusting the time of the intervals and confusing myself, I waited until it said 9:00 to walk, so I probably ran 14 or so minutes before walking.
What did I learn about this 9:1 ratio? Two words: LIFE CHANGING. Instead of thinking, “I have to run for 50 more minutes until I can take a walk break”, I only had to run for 9 minutes until a walk break. That is SO much easier to handle mentally! I found myself pushing my pace more because I knew I had a walk break coming soon.
I ran 5 miles in under an hour this morning! That’s an average of less than 12 minute/miles which is GREAT for me! AND I walked ever 9 minutes! I still felt great at the end of my run and could have kept going. I actually did an extra block so my run probably ended up about 5.2 miles. How awesome is that??
Today was the first day I really felt that I can DO this half-marathon in November! There were a lot of factors contributing to the fabulousness of this run:
  • The company of my sister on the bike! Loved having her there!
  • Overcast skies
  • Light rain – kept me cool!
  • The 9:1 ratio!!!
I think I have the new recipe for my weekend long runs. I’m already excited about 5.5 miles next weekend!
Do you use a run/walk method?
8/5/12 I was able to get in a run today after fighting a sinus infection for a week now. I wasn't able to run without stopping as breathing was hard since I'm not completely well but I'm glad I made the decision to get out. It felt good to run again. Small steps forward but at least I'm moving forward.

8/3/12 I just signed up for my first 5k run. Nervous and excited! Go ME!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait but now I must start training. I want to try to run the entire 5k.

My first 5k Run ---Go Me!!!!

I started running a little over a month ago.  I was very proud that I could at least run a mile without my lungs exploding. Considering I was running in weather over 100 degrees I was very happy. And then....I got sick. So now I'm almost six days in to this horrible sinus infection and wonder when I will ever be able to start running again. I'm hoping to start back tomorrow if all goes well. I'm hoping I can still maintain my mile but we'll see. I don't want to put any pressure on myself but want to continue to challenge myself to work harder. Does that make sense? Oh well, I'm just sitting here feeling sorry for myself but all in all...I'm thankful to be on the road to recovery. It will not beat me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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