My Story

I am a 45 year old wife, mother and nana to the most amazing little boy in the world (sorry, I'm partial to the little guy). Growing up I was one of the skinnest kids in class. I remember weighing a whole 90 pounds in high school and hating my body because everyone thought I was anorexic. I've always had a distorted view of body image. At that time I never felt that I would have to worry about my weight. Unfortunately, I was in for a rude awakening! My highest weight has been 175lbs a couple of years ago but I've always managed to get back down to the 150-160 mark. Since my hysterectomy several years ago losing weight has become much harder and gaining has been so easy. Needless to say, I've been in a constant struggle to maintain a healthy weight.

I've just recently started a health challenge at work and realized in order to ask our employees to be healthy that I would have to set the example for not only was my weight an issue but my lab work revealed I had deeper issues as well. Throughout the years I've tried most all the weight loss products on the market. Sad to say, there is no quick fix-bummer! I started with a 1300 calorie diet and decided to start running and strength training three days a week under the guidance of a personal trainer. I've eaten more fruits, vegetables & whole grains more in the last couple of months than I can ever remember eating. I'm taking vitamins and working out consistantly and I feel great! I'm actually looking forward to having new bloodwork done in September because I know that my body is in much better shape now. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

When I started running...well, was a SLOW start. But I kept pressing on and now I can actually run more than a mile without stopping which is huge for me. My goal is to run my first 5k at the end of October. I know I can do it! 

I have changed my view of food. I used to fill up on junk food and wasted calories and now I incorporate lots of healthy foods that will benefit my body and give me energy. I don't look at food as my enemy anymore. Don't get me wrong...there are some days I indulge but I don't let it take over. I don't want to give food any power over my life. I am in control and I have the power to make healthy choices or sometimes just healthier choices. My goal is a healthy lifestyle because I want to live out my life being a healthy version of myself and I've noticed that other areas of my life have been healthier as well. It is kind of amazing to think that food plays such a huge role in our everyday life.  Here's a quote that kind of sums it all up.
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