Sunday, October 28, 2012

My first 5k run

Home of the Innocents 5k 10-27-12

Finish line 39.27

Well, here I am! 15lbs lighter, stronger and more determined. These pictures were taken October 27, 2012 at my first 5k run. I finished in 39.27 and I was thrilled. This was not an easy course but cold, wet and hilly. My goal was to finish in less than 40 minutes so I'm glad I was able to do that. I feel so proud  of myself for acomplishing this goal.

During my run I remembered how out of shape I was only 3 months before. When I first started I was lucky to run to the end of the street and now I can finish a 5K! Since I started running I've also made lots of lifestyle changes. I gave up eating junk food. I now eat nutrious meals that include lots of protein, veggies & fruit as well as alot of whole grains. If I really want something sweet I look for a healthier version of things I used to like. I enjoy what I eat and try to dress up my food with lots of color and variety of spices. This is something I never used to do in the past. I've also started strength training and doing boot camps to tone muscle. I believe all of these changes have helped me get in better shape and make me feel good. I'm not as tired as I used to be and have more energy to do fun things with my friends & family. The greatest benefit has been my health. My lab work is much better than more high blood pressure and my cholestorol is lower. Yah!!!!

People ask me how I'm losing weight. When I tell them it's through hard work & eating right they almost seem disappointed, I can remember being the same way in the past. I wanted a quick fix! I wanted to take a pill, sprinkle some powder on my food and poof! I would be skinny. Well my friend, it doesn't work that way. I have invested many days sweating and screaming all the way because in my mind it should be easier. But here are a few things I know for sure...I am stronger than I think I am. I am not a quitter and I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I will finish strong and with grace!!!

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