Monday, November 5, 2012

New Goal

Well, it's official...I signed up for the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon in April 2013. Since I've mastered my first 5k, I feel like I need to set a new goal for 2013. I am a little nervous but I know I can do it. I'm strong and I know I have it in me. Running has become my therapy...I feel like I release so much stress when my feet hit the pavement.  Some say their minds worry more when they run. If that were the case I don't think I would have picked up running. Do you feel that way?

I'm working on a strategy to get through the cold winter months without having to run inside. My plan is to run in a 5k every month to keep me moving. Winter always seems to the months I tend to gain more weight. I want to be proactive this year so that I don't fall into that same rut. What's your goals to keep motivated during the winter?

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