Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Healthier Me!!!!!!!!

A healthier, happier & more confident me!     


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lots of things going on!!!!!

I am finally able to run 4 miles!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited because I've been trying to increase my distance. I set a new goal of running 10 miles a week and at the start of the day I knew I needed 4 miles to complete the goal. But to be honest, I was so tempted to just ignore my run today as it has rained most of the day and it was a great day to be lazy. I finally decided to just head out and if nothing else run 1-2 miles but once I got started I knew there was no quitting until I finished the 4 miles. My time was 53:22 which isn't great but I'll take it!

I've also signed up for the 13 in 2013! Woohoo!!! It's on now....
What goals have you set for 2013?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

5k #3 Santa Sprint

I had an amazing day today at the Santa Sprint 5k. The weather could not have been any nicer for December 1st. Mid 50's, Santa and Christmas music blaring...what's not to love?

After the race I went to a training meeting for the Mini-Marathon that I will be running on April 27, 2013. I have a schedule for running and will be meeting the team on Saturday mornings for runs until race day. I'm excited to get to know other runners as well as having an accountability group. They also give you an cool is that?

My race time today was 37:27 so I'm getting better slowly but surely. I can't explain how much running has helped me. I feel more confident, less stressed and more challenged. It's hard to expain but once you start it's hard to stop.

My current goal is to run 10 miles a week until March 31st. Since I will be running the training schedule for the 13.1 this should be no problem. I'll keep you up date on my success. I'm determined to keep going!

What about you? What are your upcoming goals?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My 2nd 5k...I'm on a roll!!!!!!!!!

    My second 5k :) It was a cold morning and another hilly race. It seems like the races I pick are hills but it was a great chilly day, great people and pancake breakfast after the race. No complaints! I maintained my 39:00 race time for the how great I feel after a run.
                                                  Middletown United Methodist Church
                                                   Saturday, November 17, 2012

Join us on November 17, 2012 for the
Harvest Run 
The run will begin at Middletown United Methodist Church
11902 Old Shelbyville Road
Louisville, KY 40243
All proceeds will benefit St. Mary's Center, a local center offering programs for those with developmental disabilities.
For more information about St. Mary's go to

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's about time!

This week I ran 8 miles and went to bootcamp one night. I'm very proud of my effort this week! I was looking back on my progress since August and this is my best week so far. My goal is to run at least 9 miles next week and one bootcamp. I'll let you know how that goes....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pressing through!

Today was a tough run! I'm not sure if it was because I had alot on my mind from work or if my two day rest was to much....ok, maybe it was the oreo cookies I've had for the last two days. I bought them the other day when I was stressed...bad move! Oh well, it's time to move on and disregard any cookie left behind. The Lord knows I've worked to hard to go back to bad habits but I do believe every once in a while you have to cheat...that's just my thought on the matter. Anyway, I got in two miles but that's all I felt like running. I chose to walk the other mile. I'm not going to beat myself up over least I got in two miles. I've come a long way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Goal

Well, it's official...I signed up for the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon in April 2013. Since I've mastered my first 5k, I feel like I need to set a new goal for 2013. I am a little nervous but I know I can do it. I'm strong and I know I have it in me. Running has become my therapy...I feel like I release so much stress when my feet hit the pavement.  Some say their minds worry more when they run. If that were the case I don't think I would have picked up running. Do you feel that way?

I'm working on a strategy to get through the cold winter months without having to run inside. My plan is to run in a 5k every month to keep me moving. Winter always seems to the months I tend to gain more weight. I want to be proactive this year so that I don't fall into that same rut. What's your goals to keep motivated during the winter?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Strong Is The New Skinny

I love this saying because honestly, I haven't always felt that way. Only recently from working with my personal trianer have I realized the power of muscle strength. I'm certainly stronger than I ever have been even though I weigh more. I know the power of being strong vs. being skinny. I no longer envy the tiny girls...I actually wonder how strong they really are. My guess...not very strong. If your muscles are strong so is your body and I'm loving how my body is starting to look. For the first time in a long time, I feel good about how I look. I'm 45 and I can honestly say...I feel better than I ever have and I'm on my way to to having the body I've always wanted. We can do it! Hang in will be worth it!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My first 5k run

Home of the Innocents 5k 10-27-12

Finish line 39.27

Well, here I am! 15lbs lighter, stronger and more determined. These pictures were taken October 27, 2012 at my first 5k run. I finished in 39.27 and I was thrilled. This was not an easy course but cold, wet and hilly. My goal was to finish in less than 40 minutes so I'm glad I was able to do that. I feel so proud  of myself for acomplishing this goal.

During my run I remembered how out of shape I was only 3 months before. When I first started I was lucky to run to the end of the street and now I can finish a 5K! Since I started running I've also made lots of lifestyle changes. I gave up eating junk food. I now eat nutrious meals that include lots of protein, veggies & fruit as well as alot of whole grains. If I really want something sweet I look for a healthier version of things I used to like. I enjoy what I eat and try to dress up my food with lots of color and variety of spices. This is something I never used to do in the past. I've also started strength training and doing boot camps to tone muscle. I believe all of these changes have helped me get in better shape and make me feel good. I'm not as tired as I used to be and have more energy to do fun things with my friends & family. The greatest benefit has been my health. My lab work is much better than more high blood pressure and my cholestorol is lower. Yah!!!!

People ask me how I'm losing weight. When I tell them it's through hard work & eating right they almost seem disappointed, I can remember being the same way in the past. I wanted a quick fix! I wanted to take a pill, sprinkle some powder on my food and poof! I would be skinny. Well my friend, it doesn't work that way. I have invested many days sweating and screaming all the way because in my mind it should be easier. But here are a few things I know for sure...I am stronger than I think I am. I am not a quitter and I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I will finish strong and with grace!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Train Hard!

This is what I looked like after Boot Camp today.....I would have to say I trained hard! It was an intense workout but I felt great afterwards.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Keep moving forward!

I feel like I've been away for a while.  I have been cooridinating a retreat for work and it had consumed most of my time. It was a huge success! The title was " The Authentic Wonder Woman". We had a great time and I enjoyed hanging out with the amazing ladies I have the honor of working with.

I've been working with a personal trainer as well as running on my own. The trainer has been working with me on my form and it has helped me with my  technique. I struggled today with the motivation to run but I forced myself out the door and was happy I did after it was over. I'm now running 2 miles pretty easily so I feel that I will be ready for the 5k in October.

Fall is in the air and it is a great time to be running and enjoying the beautiful weather. I look forward to increasing my running distance and pace. I know I can do it! I'm very proud of how far I've come so far. I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Strength Training & Planks

I had my first appointment with a personal trainer yesterday and I must say...I was wore out. I have some soreness today but I know I need to work my muscles and become stronger in other areas. I'm actually looking forward to my next session next week. I'll let you know how that goes. I've also started to doing the Plank Challenge. I was surprised that I was able to do it for 2:04. I've worked up to Oh well, it's progress. Would you like to join the Plank Challenge? Have you ever worked with a personal trianer? If so, how was your experience?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My heart is full

I just returned from my dental mission in Dominican Republic. I am still processing the memories and wonderful people I met along the way. It's hard to describe but I'm both happy & many emotions. I am thankful for the experience and know that I am a better person than when I left.
I was able to enjoy good ethnic food, meet wonderful new people and develop some great relationships.

Here is a picture of me with a 100 year old grandma that I absolutely fell in love with.
I'm glad to be back home. I plan to rest today and enjoy my family and go for an evening run. I am thankful for all my blessings and for the opportunities that God has given me to serve.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dominican Republic

I am headed to the Dominican Republic in the morning for a dental mission trip. I wonder how much damaged they received from Hurricane Issac. I will return in one week so my blog will be quite for a little while. I'll keep you updated when I return. Say a prayer for us!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Does this speak to you like it did me? I can think of so many times I've given up my power by thinking I didn't have any. What a lie! I hope that you realize that you have power to overcome any circumstance. Weight issues, financial issues, emotional have power! You are strong! You can overcome!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Welcome to my blog! It is my desire to encourage, inspire and challenge. I have been encouraged by so many other blogger's on their journey to a better life that I wanted to do the same for all of my friends and family. I hope you enjoy viewing my highs and lows and feel stronger within as a result. Sometimes just knowing that others struggle as well gives an inner strength to keep moving forward. You know, just keep swimming...just keep swimming. I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas and words of encouragement  or even words of correction or challenge. We all need people in our lives who are able to speak truth into our lives. So if you are speaking truth in love...I want to hear it.

Let's start running......and they're off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!